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Sustainability News for Green IT and Technology Partners: 18 August 2023

August 18, 2023 by Joe Panettieri

Here is today’s sustainability news, research and analysis for technology partners, renewable energy and green IT companies, management consultants, CIOs, chief sustainability officers (CSOs) and c-suite members.

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A. Sustainable Technology, Talent, Partnerships and Alliances

1. Annual ESG Reports: Our global database of annual sustainability and ESG reports now spans 272 companies. The latest addition is PVH -- the fashion and apparel company that owns Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger.

2. Chief Sustainability Officers (CSO) List: Our database of chief sustainability officers now spans 313 CSOs. The latest additions are:

3. No More CSO: Suncor Energy CSO Arlene Strom is expected to retire at the end of 2023, and the Canadian oil and gas company has decided to eliminate the position completely, Canada's National Observer reported.

4. Executive Leadership - M&A Consulting: Stax has hired Anuj Shah as managing director. Shah leads the M&A consulting firm's new environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practice. Stax, based in Boston, is a global management consulting firm serving corporate and private equity firms.

5. Solar Project Completed: Leeward Renewable Energy (LRE) has completed construction of its 100-megawatt (MW) Oak Trail Solar project near Moyock, North Carolina, and the facility has reached commercial operation. Verizon Communications has supported the development of Oak Trail Solar through a long-term virtual purchase agreement, the companies said.

B. M&A, Investments and Funding

1. All M&A Activity: Our M&A database has now tracked 119 mergers and acquisitions so far in 2023. See all M&A deals involving sustainability listed here.

C. Regional and Global Sustainability Policies and News

1. United States - Texas Power Costs: Texas spot electricity prices soared by more than 60-fold, climbing toward the $5,000 price cap as the state grid faces some of the tightest conditions for power supplies so far this summer, Bloomberg reported.

D. Sustainability and Green Technology Conference Calendar

  1. World ESG Summit 2023 (August 21-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  2. VMware Explore 2023 (August 21-24, Las Vegas, Nevada)
  3. Google Cloud Next 2023 Partner and Customer Conference (August 29-21, San Francisco)
  4. Sustainability Live 2023 (Sept. 6-7, London, United Kingdom)
  5. ICSD 2023 Sustainability Conference (September 6-7, Rome, Italy)
  6. Complete Calendar of Sustainability Conferences

E. Previous Updates & Future News

1. Did You Miss Yesterday's Daily Update?: Here is our previou, green IT and renewable energy news for technology partners.

2. Future Updates: Send Us Your News Tips. Please email me the details.

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