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S&P Global Sustainability Quarterly Report: Key Q4 2022 Findings

January 12, 2023 by Joe Panettieri

The latest S&P Global Sustainability Quarterly report -- the Q4 edition for 2022 -- covers such topics as biodiversity, water scarcity, decarbonization, climate risk & resilience, and measuring emissions.

Among the takeaways, the report examines how:

  • Minerals such as copper, lithium and cobalt are critical to low-carbon technologies such as electric vehicles and solar panel manufacturing. But the process of extracting those minerals from the environment also threatens ecosystems and various species.
  • Water scarcity in Latin America could pressure the region's ability to ramp up lithium extraction and green hydrogen efforts.
  • Decarbonization goals in Europe will likely pressure cement maker profits amid the march to achieve net-zero by 2050.
  • Banks faces multiple obstacles in their efforts to assess and manage climate risk.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions are being measured in the United Kingdom and Norwegian North Sea.

See the report findings here.

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