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Green Cloud Provider Cloudist Partners with Multiple Distributors, Technology Firms

May 9, 2023 by Joe Panettieri

Keep an eye on Cloudist -- a Swedish green cloud service provider (CSP) that spun off from EcoDataCenter in 2022.

Cloudist offers virtual data center, backup, Amazon Web Services S3 Storage and various Microsoft 365 services. The company, based in Malmo, Sweden, partners with former owner EcoDataCenter to ensure all of those services run in sustainable data center facilities.

Cloudist is partnering with multiple distributors and technology companies. Key partners include Arrow, Dell Technologies, Microsoft, Veeam and VMware, among others. Target customers include IT suppliers, SaaS entrepreneurs and IT managers.

Dan Andersson, CEO, EcoDataCenter

The Cloudist management team acquired the business from EcoDataCenter in November 2022. At the time of that ownership transition, Cloudist CEO Jasenko Masic said: "Becoming independent gives us the opportunity to put full focus on developing Cloudist's climate-positive cloud platform to a whole new level. Together with our fantastic partners, we will make the Nordic IT region the greenest in Europe."

Added Dan Andersson, CEO of EcoDataCenter AB: "We look forward to finding new exciting forms of collaboration with Cloudist. We are both still driven by the same thing, that the transition to green alternatives must go faster. Now we will be able to work more focused in each area to accelerate others' green transition."

Fast forward to May 2023, and Cloudist had six employees listed on LinkedIn. We don't know the company's overall headcount or financial performance. But we'll be listening and watching for updates.

Net Zero Data Centers: Worldwide Trends

Meanwhile, a growing number of data center providers worldwide are pursing net zero and sustainable energy strategies. Cloud-scale players such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure each have made major sustainability commitments.

Regional data center providers are also making moves. For instance, Scala Data Centers of Brazil has achieved 100% Scope 3, as recommended by the GHG Protocol. And in Europe, AQ Compute and CBRE in 2022 partnered as part of a push to make AQ Compute a "pan-European leader in providing global clients with data centre services." All of the AQ Compute data centers are expected to leverage 100 % renewable energy, the companies said.

And in April 2023, Raxio Data Centres lined up a US$170 million debt facility to further expand operations across Africa. The twist? The debt facility -- involving Roha GroupMeridiamProparco and the Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund -- is tied to various sustainability and ESG (environmental, social & governance) goals.

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