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Deloitte, AT&T Partnership Promotes IoT Connectivity Services to Reduce Customers' Greenhouse Emissions

February 24, 2023 by Joe Panettieri

Global IT consulting and professional services firm Deloitte has joined the AT&T Connected Climate Initiative (CCI), which promotes connectivity-based solutions in a bid to "reduce greenhouse emissions by 1 gigaton by 2035," the companies said.

Sam Park, managing director, Deloitte Services

The relationship aligns Deloitte's analytics, operations and technology with AT&T's IoT and enhanced connectivity network expertise. The collaboration "aims to improve how organizations share ESG data across a shared ecosystem to eliminate the organizational strain associated with ESG data collection. It will also provide support to suppliers who lack the resources to make the energy transition on their own," the companies said.

Deloitte and AT&T did not announce specific products or services involved in the partnership. The sustainability partnership surfaced roughly one month after Deloitte announced a “sustainable delivery” clause – known as Clause Zero. The clause, part of Deloitte’s WorldClimate initiative, will encourage and support the firm and its clients to deliver projects in a more sustainable way, the consulting firm said in January 2023.

Deloitte and AT&T: Executive Perspectives on Sustainability

Shannon Thomas Carroll, AT&T

In a prepared statement about the relationship, Shannon Thomas Carroll, AVP of global environmental sustainability at AT&T, said: "No company can address climate change alone. Collaboration is key to measuring and reducing emissions across global value chains. As we work to cut the emissions footprint of AT&T's operations, we want to use our core competency — connectivity — to help other businesses do the same. It's great to have Deloitte join us in this effort, and I'm excited for the work that we'll do together to help create a more environmentally sustainable future."

Added Sam Park, managing director at Deloitte Services and AT&T alliance partner lead: "While this is an extension of the powerful work we have already accomplished together, this new collaboration will focus on initiatives for reducing global emissions and creating measurable impact. Deloitte is thrilled to embark on this new journey with AT&T, and other organizations in the CCI, as we aim to reach a net-zero world."

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