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10 Sustainability Updates for Technology Partners: Click Now

June 7, 2023 by Joe Panettieri

Thanks for stopping by Sustainable Tech Partner. The blog below is designed to keep you informed -- while buying me some time away from my keyboard. You'll find links to 10 really useful blogs, research reports and databases about Sustainability. Scroll down to item 10, and you'll find my email address to help you reach me while I'm out attending business meetings on Thursday and Friday (June 8 and 9).

Now, here are those 10 links I promised you...

1. Big Tech Sustainability Strategies: Here are detailed sustainability strategies for Amazon and AWS, Cisco Systems, IBM and Microsoft. Each of those stories contains timelines that we update regularly. And stay tuned for more company profiles.

2. Partner Program Database: If you're lookin to partner with technology and energy companies that can help you manage, monitor and reduce carbon emissions, then search our Sustainability Partner Program Database -- which we typically update and expand multiple times per week.

3. Chief Sustainability Officers Database: If you're looking to network with CSOs or if you want to further understand which companies have CSOs and why, then search our Chief Sustainability Officers Database for links to CSOs worldwide.

4. Conference Calendar: What if there was a global database to help you find and attend ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) conferences and summits worldwide. We've built exactly that for you. Search our Sustainability Conference Calendar here. But please note a few caveats: We only list face-to-face conferences and summits, and generally don't track online/virtual events. Also, many of the events on our calendar extend far beyond the technology sector. Still, we think all sustainability conferences ultimately include some technology chatter.

Sustainability: M&A Deals, Research, Funding and More

5. Regional Coverage: Trying to understand trends in specific geographies? Then check out our regional sustainability coverage for North America, Central America, the Caribbean, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific.

6. Sustainability Mergers and Acquisitions Database: If you want to track M&A activity involving green IT, renewable energy, ESG consulting and more than search our M&A Deals Database for Sustainable Technology & Energy.

7. Corporate Reports: Poke around our Corporate Sustainability Reports Database and you'll find hundreds of reports from businesses, government agencies, nonprofit organizations and the education sector (typically colleges and universities).

8. Sustainability Research and Market Forecasts: We've summarized sustainability research and ESG market forecasts from dozens of sources. Our summaries look at specific ESG software sector growth rates, green IT adoption, renewable energy forecasts for data centers and more.

9. Sustainable Technology Funding - Who's Raising Money and Why?: Here's our coverage of startup sustainability businesses that have raised venture funding, how much and what's next.

10. Need to Reach Me?: As promised here's my email address - Joe@MentoreVentures.com. A little bit of context: I am founder of Sustainable Tech Partner and parent company Mentore Ventures. Feel free to send me news tips, feedback, constructive criticism and questions. I'm all ears. I typically read every email that hits my inbox within 24 hours of receiving it -- though my replies may be a bit slower while I'm out of the office.

Where Am I?

Please note that I'm mostly off the grid on June 8-9 (Thursday and Friday) at business meetings. But I will be checking email regularly. I look forward to reading your notes and inquiries. Thanks.

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